The time has come for us as a Human Race to once again have access to the forgotten knowledge and wisdom of life.

We are on the precipice of monumental change as the end of ‘The Cycle for Life Eternal’ draws near. It is a time when the veil is lifting and all will be revealed.
Never has there been a time where the collective Human consciousness has so reverently contemplated who we truly are, where we came from, what we are doing here and where we are headed.
This book answers the call revealing life’s biggest concepts, delivering this complex knowledge in a way that is simplistic, understandable and resoundingly authentic, like a great and beautiful secret we already know. A pivotal era demands a decisive book and this book will change the way people see, think and feel; not only about life, but also of themselves.
“I’ve never read anything this complete or advanced; perhaps bits and pieces here and there...but as it rolls along, it is a knockout. I have to admit that the information is breathtaking in scope. It resonates for me so highly that it’s probably the most advanced information in one place, on the planet. I’ve never seen it put together so masterfully and beautifully - ever!”
“We are submersed in a construct that was designed to break us and keep us broken. But it hasn’t, it failed. We still go on because we were designed from an eternal template of infinite creativity, not a synthetic house of cards built on pride and false power. Breaking free of the programs and paradigms that hold us down takes courage, endurance, tenacity, trust; it is hard yakka. The reason it is so hard is because to be a free and sovereign Being you have to smash every lie, even if it hurts. It is good to be reminded of how resilient, unbreakable, magnificent and powerful we truly are; and if anything provides a foundation for that, it is this book.”
~ Leone Kennedy
“For anyone seeking to find the truth and empower themselves from within, George Kavassilas has written an explosive, controversial, and enlightening book. George shows you the way. It is up to you to take the path. Outstanding! A must read for all truth seekers.”
"I came across George's book "Our Universal Journey" approx 3 years ago, the exact time evades me as it seems a life time ago. There have been so many changes in my life since that encounter; timelines integrating and deep innerstanding and knowing, demonstrates the potency of this book. Our Universal Journey for me was like opening a photo album and my memories flowing within; a real sense of truth and unity. I have a deep appreciation for the information and energy George has contributed to this book"
~ Megan Standring

Our Universal Journey (paperback)
The time has come for us as a Human Race to once again have access to the forgotten knowledge and wisdom of life. Join George on this adventure as he shares his unique perspective on this Universal journey we are all destined to take.
$35.95 AUD

Our Universal Journey (Paperback)
AUSTRALIA Only - 2 Copies
The time has come for us as a Human Race to once again have access to the forgotten knowledge and wisdom of life. Join George on this adventure as he shares his unique perspective on this Universal journey we are all destined to take.
$60.95 AUD

Our Universal Journey (paperback)
The time has come for us as a Human Race to once again have access to the forgotten knowledge and wisdom of life. Join George on this adventure as he shares his unique perspective on this Universal journey we are all destined to take.
$50.75 AUD

Our Universal Journey (Paperback)
The time has come for us as a Human Race to once again have access to the forgotten knowledge and wisdom of life. Join George on this adventure as he shares his unique perspective on this Universal journey we are all destined to take.
1 Book - US$25 plus postage OR
3 Books - US$55 plus postage

Nuestra Travesia Universal (Spanish Paperback)
Ha llegado el momento de que nosotros, como Raza Humana, tengamos una vez más acceso al conocimiento olvidado y la sabiduría de la vida. Únase a George en esta aventura mientras comparte su perspectiva única en este viaje Universal que todos estamos destinados a emprender.