Community Webinar Presentation
7+ hours of content
Recorded 23rd April 2020
To truly be in our sovereign power we need to understand the control systems that are currently in place to then move beyond them.
Get instant access to 7+ hours of video content providing the big picture of the Technical Intelligence behind the Crown Virus.
This online seminar presentation, 'Empire of The Ants' was held on 23rd April 2020.
It's a seriously deep journey into the hidden forces behind the current malevolent - New World Order Imposition we are currently experiencing through a specific design of technology that is behind the Crown Virus.
A word of caution: This presentation is not for the faint of heart, and when the realisation occurs after seeing the evidence that is hidden in plain sight all around us, a personal shift in cognitive awareness and expansion is imminent.
Thank you for your consideration.
In love, liberation and fortitude,
7+ hours of video content providing the big picture of the Technical Intelligence behind the Crown Virus
Price: AU$35.80